With a budget of about 600 mio Euros, the next Health call for proposals (FP7)
will be launched in July with a deadline in Autumn 2011.
Euresearch Lausanne has the pleasure to invite you to an info-lunch :
Tuesday, 12 April 2011, 13:00-14:00, UNIL, Building Biophore, Amphi
This event will give interested researchers the possibility to get information
on upcoming funding opportunities under the «Health» theme.
13:00-13:10 :
Short introduction, Anne-Emmanuelle de Crousaz, Euresearch Ls
13:10-14:00 :
Upcoming FP7 Health and IMI calls, Dr Sasha Hugentobler, National
Point Health, Euresearch Head Office
Sandwiches and coffee offered.
The event is free. Registration mandatory (by Friday, 8 April):
From 14:00 to 17:00, the Euresearch team will be available for
pre-arranged in-depth discussions with researchers who plan to apply for one
of the calls.
In case of interest, please contact :
Yours Sincerely,
Anne-Emmanuelle de Crousaz &
Pascale Menu