- Swiss National Science Foundation Starting Grant Professor at the Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne (CH)
- Tenure Track Assistant Professor Behavioural Neuroscience, University of Groningen (NL)
- Group Leader position open in Cell Biology at the LMB, Cambridge (UK)
- Several positions are available in the De Paola lab at the Duke-NUS in Singapore (SG)
- PhD student positions open at the Max Planck Research School for Living Matter, Dortmund (DE)
- Independent Investigator position open at the MBG/BiRC, Aarthus University (DK)
- 2-year postdoc position open to analyse proteins associated with cellular ageing in fission yeast, UCL London (UK)
- PhD student positions open with a background in molecular and cell biology, biochemistry, biophysics, applied and theorical physics, chemical biology, structural biology, systems biology and related fields, IMPRS, Dortmund (DE)
- Tenure-Track Assistant Professor position in quantitative biology and biochemistry or physics approaches, UNIGE (CH) – Deadline Apr. 15, 2023.
- Post-Doctoral Research position in translational regulation of T cell development and function in cancer, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, New York (USA)
- System specialist position open at the BICC, UNIL-EPFL
- Bioinformatician position open at the BICC, FBM, UNIL
- Research associate, Post-doctoral fellow and PhD student positions open at the IRB Barcelona (ES)
- Group leaders positions open at the Imagine institute, INSERM Paris (FR)
- Assistant lab manager position open at the DO, UNIL (CH)
- Group leader position in behavioural neuroscience open at the McGill University, Montreal (CA)
- Postdoctoral Associate position open in Mammalian genetics at the JAX Center for Addiction Biology, Sacramento (USA)
- Two Jr Group leader positions open at the CRG, Barcelona (ES) – Deadline 07.11.2022
- Field Application Scientist position open at Agilent Technologies Switzerland (CH)
- 2 post-doctoral positions on gene regulation available at the CNRS fo Montpellier (FR)
- 40 Research Fellowships available, Surrey Univ. (UK)
- PhD student position in Bioinformatics and RNA at the CGR in Barcelona (ES) – deadline 15.10.2022
- PhD-student positions open at the IMPRS for Living Matter, Dortmund (DE) – deadline 31.10.2022
- Junior to senior Group leader position open at the Imagine institute for genetic diseases, Paris (FR) – Deadline 16.12.2022
- 15 Fully funded PhD studentships in Quantitative Biology