Funding information by category:
Interdisciplinary research / International cooperation / Collaborative research / Public-private partnership / Conference organization / Travel grant / PhD fellowship / Postdoctoral fellowship/ Independent research
Funding infos
- ERC Advanced Grant 2024
- Postdoctoral Fellowship & Mobility Funding Opportunities - Information Session - June 11, 2024
- InnoPACTT: a financial support to create your start-up - AUTUMN CALL, Deadline Oct. 2, 2023
- information session on Postdoc & Mobility Funding Opportunities, June 20, 2023 at 12:15pm, room CM1 EPFL
- FREG sponsorship for PhD students
- InnoTREK - funding Deadline Apr. 24, 2023
- Congratulations to María GUILLÉN ÁNGEL on her PhD grant!
- FBM Transition grants: next call for candidates: Jun. 1, and deadline to send applications: Aug. 31, 2023
- 40 Research Fellowships available, Surrey Univ. (UK)
- Fundings @ UNIL
- InnoTREK: a financial support to create your start-up - Deadline 03.10.2022
- Mobility and fellowships for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers : information session held tomorrow 28.06.2022 at 12:00 in room 315 Amphipôle
- InnoPACTT: a financial support to create your start-up - Spring CALL 2022, Deadline 28.03.2022
- Cells 2022 Young Investigator Award - Nomination Deadline: 30 Sep. 2022
- SymbNET PhD Project Award, Deadline 15.04.22
- SNSF-Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship - Deadline 15.11.2021
- Call for projects co-led by 1 clinician and 1 scientist engaged in basic research – ISREC Foundation, - Deadline 01.03.2022
- Postdoc Funding Chats: Oct. 14, 2021 - AMBIZIONE Grants
- 2022 Call for CROSS Projects: RESPONSIBLE INNOVATION - Deadline Sep. 17, 2021
- InnoTREK: a financial support to create your start-up - Deadline Oct. 3, 2021
- Mobility and fellowships for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, information session on July 7, 2021 at 12:00 P.M.
- PhD student position open in Neurophysiology at the CIG (UNIL) - Deadline 12.06.2021
- PhD program in Genomic and Experimental Medicine, Tigem, Naples (IT)
- InnoPACTT: a financial support to create your start-up. Deadline: Apr. 5, 2021
- Postdoc Funding chats, an event dedicated to specific grants every month until May 2021
- SNSF & Innosuisse funding scheme events, Nov. 5 & 11 and Dec. 11, 2020
- Call for applications - Subsides « Tremplin », deadline: 06.09.2020
- Funding opportunities: numerous deadlines in May 2020
- InnoPACTT: a financial support to create your start-up. (deadline April 28, 2020)
- InfoResearch UNIL - #2 March 2020
- Call for entries: Stiftung Prof Dr. Max Cloëtta: Clinical Medicine Plus 2020
- UNIL accelerator for entreprenarial project : join the UCreate3 program - deadline Jan. 6, 2019
- A funding search tool for UNIL members: the "UNIL 4 Research"
- Prix Schläfli call 2020
- 15 Fully funded PhD studentships in Quantitative Biology, UNIL
- 3 PhD Fellowships in Life Science starting April 2020 at the UNIL
- InnoTREK: a financial support to create your start-up. (deadline Septembre 22, 2019)
- Bourse du 200ème: La SVSN et la SAV offrent une bourse de CHF 30K, deadline Sep. 2, 2019
- Bourse du 200ème SVSN
- Birnstiel award 2019 - nomination deadline: June 30, 2019
- Submission’s deadlines for SNSF requests in 2019
- Application to Tremplin grants is now open. Deadline Sep. 2019
- PhD grants available from Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action - Innovative Training Networks (ITN)
- InnoTREK: a financial support to create your start-up. (deadline April 18, 2019)
- SPIRIT – Swiss Programme for International Research by Scientific Investigation Teams (SNSF)
- SIB Bioinformatics Awards 2019
- Biozentrum Fellowship Program - Winter Call 2018/19 deadline Dec. 15, 2018
- FBM: InnoPACTT appel à projets pour le financement d’une start-up, Sep. 19, 2018
- 2018 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowships: trainings for researchers applying with UNIL or CHUV
- Call for applications - Décharge Tremplin pour les femmes de la relève académique
- FBM: InnoPACTT appel à projets pour le financement d'une start-up
- SNSF visit organised Nov. 15, 2017 - 9 am in room 351 (Amphimax)
- InnoPACTT: a financial support to create your start‐up Automn CALL 2017, deadline Sept. 27, 2017
- List of grant applications' deadlines (including SNF)
- Appel à candidatures - Décharge Tremplin pour les femmes de la relève académique
- FREG sponsorship for PhD students
- InnoPACTT: a financial support to create your start‐up Spring CALL 2017
- Submission deadlines for fundings in 2017
- Autumn 2016 call: InnoTREK grant
- Décharge Tremplin program is open to registration, deadline Sept. 4, 2016
- Grants & Funding: Worldwide Scientific Talent
- Jacobs Foundation Grant, deadline April 15, 2016
- InnoPACTT: one-year InnoTREK grant to launch your start-up
- Swiss-South Africa Joint Research Programme
- InnoSTEP: a Proof of Concept or Prototype's grant
- SNSF Funding deadlines
- Fonds d'innovation pédagogique 2017 : request for proposals
- PhD Fellowships in Life Science offered by the Gabriela & Theodore Kummer fund
- InnoPACTT: a financial support to create your start-up
- Tremplin funding : deadline September 11th 2015
- Workshop: Seattle Summer Instisute - Deadline : April 24
- InnoTREK: launch your spin-off idea with InnoPACTT
- SNF upcoming deadlines and new funding opportunities for Postdocs and Canddocs
- SIB Awards 2015 - The call for applications is now open
- PhD Fellowships 2014-2015
- UNIL - InnoPACTT: a financial support to create your spin-off
- Reminder: SNSF calls for proposals
- Séance d'information sur les "Bourses de mobilité" du Fonds National Suisse (FNS) 25 juin 2014, de 12H30 à 13h30
- Postdoc positions at The Wenner-Gren Institute (MBW), Stockholm University, Sweden
- FMI International PhD Program Spring Call 2014
- Concours pour la bourse SAV
- AMBIZIONE next deadline: Feb 14, 2014
- Dec 12, 9:30: ERC and Marie Curie Actions presentation (EPFL SG 0213)
- InnoPACTT: a financial support to create your spin-off
- SNSF: subsides Marie Heim Vögtlin. deadline: Aug. 2
- SNSF: advanced postdoc.mobility. deadline: Sept.1
- SNSF: Doc.Mobility. deadline: Sept. 1
- SNSF: early postdoc.Mobility. Deadline: Sept 1
- New Grants from the Novartis Consumer Health Foundation
- 2013 Marie Curie Fellowships: deadline August 14
- Nov. 28: SNSF presentation @ EPFL
- From the SNSF: Mobility fellowships and grants for doctoral students: Innovations in 2013
- PhD Fellowships in Life Sciences, UNIL FBM (Fund Theodor and Gabriela Kummer)
- SIB Fellowship program – Call for applications
- Marie Curie Individual Fellowships; Deadline August 16, 2012
- FBM: projets de recherche interdisciplinaires Deadline: Feb 29, 2012
- Exiqon grant program (microRNA)
- Programme d'échanges scientifiques (Sciex)
- Human Frontier Science Program research grants 2012
- Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)
- Marie Curie Initial Training Networks 2012 (ITN)
- ERC Synergy Grants
- IMI 5th call
- Bourse de cotutelle de thèse
- Indo Swiss Joint Research Programme (ISJRP)
- ERC Advanced Grant Call
- PhD Fellowships in Life Sciences
- Nov 2, Bern; SNSF: a day for advanced researchers
- bourses et subsides de la Société Académique Vaudoise
- FEBS Long-term: deadline: Oct 1
- Boehringer Ingelheim PhD Fellowships
- Prochains principaux financements de la recherche 2011-2012
- Pôles de recherche nationaux du FNS: quatrième mise au concours
- Requêtes à la Fondation Herbette 2011
- New ERC call: Proof of concept
- Fondation Pierre Mercier pour la science
- Sciex Scientific Exchange Programme Fellowship; A Reymond
- HFSP fellowship to K Guschanski
- Ernst Schering Foundation-PhD fellowships
- Junior Debiopharm Life Sciences Award 2011
- Subventions Egalité et Tremplin, Deadline Sept 1, 2011
- Marie Curie Individual Fellowships; Deadline August 11, 2011
- HFSP Young investigators' grants and Program Grants
- Prix Leenaards 2012 - promotion recherche scientifique
- Commission Recherche FBM Appel d'offre
- Grants to promote the access of women to academic careers
- Call for Joint Research Projects 2012 - Indo Swiss Joint Research Programme (ISJRP)
- Brazilian Swiss Joint Research Programme
- Bridge 2 Industry Pilot Projects
- SCOPES programme (Scientific co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland)
- ProDoc: last call, Deadline March 1, 2011
- Sinergia: Deadline Jan 15
- Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators
- Fourth Call for Proposals (IPPs)
- upcoming FNS deadlines and informations
- Travel Grants for Members of the SSB (Biochemistry)
- IMI third call
- new calls (You liked the ERG/IRG? You will love the CIG!)
- Novartis foundation
- SNSF Ambizione
- Bourses d'échange/Exchange grants - Indo Swiss Joint Research Programme (ISJRP)
- FEMS Research Fellowships
- Thu Nov 4, 2010 Atelier "Savoir acquérir des fonds tiers internationaux" UNIFR
- Tue Nov 9, 2010 Introduction to EU Research Funding (FP7) for Newcomers
- FP7 Health 2011
- ERC starting grant call
- Swiss Foundation for Excellence and Talent in Biomedical Research
- Funding for collaborations with South Africa, China, South Corea, Russia, India, Brazil, Chile, Japan
- Sept 9, 2010, Lausanne: ERC applicants workshop
- Sept 7, 2010: Finance in FP7
- Jul 22, 2010:Genève: Marie Curie Applicants Workshop
- Jul 6, 2010, Geneva; ERC Starting Grant Info Lunch
- FP7 Health call 2011: orientation paper
- EMBO Long-Term Fellowships
- HFSP long term and cross disciplinary Fellowship
- Marie Curie Individual Fellowships; deadline: Aug 17
- GE & Science Prize for young scientists
- Swiss Cancer league research funds
- Marie Heim-Vögtlin Programme (SNSF)
- Marie Curie International Reintegration Grants
- Jun 10: Marie Curie Applicant Workshop
- SNSF Fellowships for prospective researchers
- SNSF Professorships
- FEMS Advanced Fellowship
- SNSF Interdisciplinary projects
- SNSF Projects – Investigator-Driven Research
- SNSF R'Equip; deadline: May 15
- Prix Leenaards 2011: deadline June 15
- Call for Industry Collaboration
- Polish-Swiss research programme
- Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology, deadline: June 15
- European Science Foundation specific calls
- European Science Foundation general calls
- Germaine de Staël; deadline Apr 30
- HFSP Young investigators and Program grants; deadline preregistration: Mar 22
- FP7 IRSES; deadline: Mar 25
- SWISS BRIDGE AWARD; deadline for note of intent: Mar 31
- Projets de recherche interdisciplinaire FBM; deadline: Apr 1
- COST : next deadline March 25, 2011
- CH-China cooperation
- New call for proposals: ERC Advanced Investigator Grant; deadline: March 10, 2011
- "Germaine de Staël", collaboration France-Switzerland
- Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)
- ERC advanced grant
- FBM Appel d'offres 2010: bourses de relève académique pour jeunes chercheurs
- Appel d'offres de la FBM 2010: Projets de Recherches Interdisciplinaires
- SNSF Fellowships for Advanced researchers
- call for proposals for Mobility Projects with Russia
- Innovative Medicines Initiative IMI: New Call for proposals is published!
- SNSF Sinergia
- Third Call for Proposals
- CRUS Cotutelles de thèse entre universités suisses et françaises ou italiennes
- SNSF programme Research Partnerships with Developing Countries
- Funding opportunities for partnerships with India
- Bilateral Research Cooperation Programs from the Swiss Government
- Swiss Government scholarships
- SNSF International short research visits