Series of interviews were written to present members of the CIG.
They are already available on the new CIG Report’s website, and every week we have displayed one of them in the newsletter.
Interview with Robert Eisenman
President of the SAC
“I love kayaking” says Prof. Robert “Bob” Eisenman, answering my question on what he’s doing when not doing science: “together with my wife, we visit remote and not so remote places to experience the watery part of the world.” Our interview has just finished and now we are having a beer at the bar of the hotel. Prof. Eisenman from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (Seattle, USA) has been telling me about his scientific dreams and I’ve been asking him to give his personal view on the CIG – as president of the SAC for over more than a decade, he’s of course in a unique position to do so –, its strengths and the challenges that might show up on the horizon in the distant or not too distant future. Interestingly, his vision on the CIG is that… but let’s wait a minute. Why not start with the beginning? Who is Bob Eisenman?
Go West, young man. From the Big Apple…
Complete interview: