Prof. L.Michalik was on the Feb. 2022’s FBM newsletter for her interview on animal experimentation

1st part  :

2nd part :

FBM newsletter:

Prof. B.Thorens was interviewed by the RTS program “A bon entendeur (ABE)” on the effects sweeteners and sugars have on our brains.

Sugar is very present in our diet, so much so that it has become a real public health problem for several years. This is the reason why the industry began to develop products without sugar, but with sweeteners.
They are found everywhere, hidden where you least expect them. They are so present in so many products that we have become accustomed to their taste, and we are no longer able to distinguish them, but they do not precisely reproduce the appearance and consistency of sugar.

See the interview here (starting at 4:54 mn):

A. Leboeuf (ex-Benton lab) was in “Le Temps” magazine regarding her research on ants’ communication, Jan. 2022

Adria Leboeuf: «J’aimerais que les sciences fassent partie de notre imaginaire collectif»

Dans son laboratoire de l’Université de Fribourg, la chercheuse américaine Adria Leboeuf étudie la manière dont les fourmis communiquent en échangeant des fluides par la bouche. Elle met aussi ces petits organismes en scène, pour mieux faire connaître son travail.

Lire l’article complet sur Swissdox: