Information seminar on FP7’s upcoming calls for
HEALTH&IMI – Innovative Medicine Initiative
Tuesday, 20 April 2010, 12h30
(or 11h45 for a free sandwich lunch and networking)
at CSEM SA (map )
Rue Jaquet-Droz 1, CH-2002 Neuchâtel, 032 720 5111
From Euresearch:
Dear Madam, dear Sir
Euresearch, a Swiss association with the mission to promote the participation to European research framework programmes and CSEM ( <> ), an experienced participant in such programmes, are pleased to invite you to an information seminar concerning the upcoming FP7 HEALTH and IMI calls.
The fifth FP7 Health call is due to be published in July 2010 with the first deadline in October and the third Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) call in October with a deadline before Christmas.
This information event will provide you with insight into FP7 projects from an experienced project participant and an overview of the call topics and funding schemes for the upcoming FP7 Health and IMI calls from the NCP Health.
Specific information required for submitting a strong proposal, such as the overall objectives of these programmes, evaluation criteria, partner search tools and ethical issues, as well as the services that Euresearch offers to support your application will be included.
Please find the seminar’s programme below:
11h45 Sandwich lunch
12h30 Welcome by CSEM
12h45 Introduction to FP7
Euresearch Neuchâtel
13h05 Upcoming Health and IMI calls
Dr. Sasha Hugentobler, National Contact Point (NCP) Health, Euresearch Head Office
14h00 Practical experience with Health projects
Prof. Urs Albrecht, Université de Fribourg
14h20 Discussion and coffee break
The presentations will be given in English; questions and discussion are possible in French or German as well.
Registration is mandatory and preferably done online at[showUid]=673 <> .
Registration by mail is also possible.
Similar seminars will take place in Geneva (11.05.2010) and Basel (03.06.2010):
Geneva:[showUid]=695 <>
Basel:[showUid]=660 <>
We are very much looking forward to meeting you in Neuchâtel.
Kind regards
Rolf Klappert & Dr. Daniel Céfai
Euresearch Neuchâtel