PhD students at the CIG can apply to the FREG funds (Fund for Research and Education in Genetics) which sponsors their participation to either an international conference or course once during their thesis. (up to CHF 2’500,-).
To apply, email Nathalie Clerc and CC your PI, specifying the name of the course/meeting, its date and location.
After the meeting/course the grantee will need to write a short report in the form of a letter to the FREG Committee describing the benefits for him/her attending the meeting/course (a template will be provided).
The mobility of researchers, beginners or advanced, promotes training and research experiences. It fosters the development of scientific collaborations leading to the sharing of knowledge, the construction of inter-individual and inter-organizational relationships, and access to specific infrastructures and equipment. The exchanges allow both people and institutions to establish new associations which expand their international network.
Mobility programs in the fields of research and innovation are numerous and complementary. It is therefore appropriate for researchers to make the right choices at the right time by integrating their current professional and private needs.
What mobility funding tools are available? Is mobility a necessary criterion for obtaining certain research funds? What is the impact of international experience on professional career? This advice can be given to researchers motivated by a move abroad?
Unisanté’s research support sector invites you to discuss with researchers with mobility experience on these themes during its annual research symposium. We look forward to welcoming many of you there.
Support can be provided to attend meetings, symposia, congresses and courses with a substantial biochemical content Only candidates will be supported who participate actively in the meeting with a lecture or a poster presentation.
Preference will be given to postdoctoral fellows in their initial postdoctoral years or to Ph. D – students in their final student year.
To be eligible for a grant, applicants must have been a member of the Swiss Society for Biochemistry for at least one year at the time of submission of the application.
Members resident in Switzerland may apply for a grant to attend meetings anywhere in the world and those resident elsewhere may apply for a grant to attend meetings in Switzerland.
The candidate should be the author of at least one scientific publication in a peer reviewed journal.
Applications can be made for a contribution towards the traveling costs and the congress registration fees, but not for membership fees, and costs of social events.
Awards will be made four times a year with submission deadlines of 1 March, 1 June, 1 September and 1 December. Applications can be made only for meetings that will take place after the submission of the application.
Applications must be accompanied by an abstract of the scientific contribution, together with a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and a separate letter of recommendation from the responsible supervisor.
A candidate can be supported more than once but the accumulated contributions of SSB and USGEB are limited to a total amount of Fr. 1600.-. Preference will be given to candidates who apply for the first time. Applications for less than Fr. 200.- will not be considered.
A refunding will only be made when the successful candidate has submitted the final account including the receipts and tickets to the vice-president of the SSB, together with a confirmation by the meeting organizer of the participation at the meeting.
Applications that are not successful will not be reconsidered at a later time.
Qualified applications that cannot be supported by the SSB may be forwarded to the USGEB in accordance with the “Reglement des Fonds der USGEB zur Förderung junger Forscher”. Applications should not be submitted directly to the USGEB.
All applications and correspondence concerning the travel grants should be addressed to the vice-president of the SSB. The forms can be downloaded from this server via the download page.
2. Special Grants for Junior Scientists
The Board of the SSB will consider the applications of students (Diploma students; Ph. D. students) and technical staff for traveling grants to participate in collaborative projects and to learn specialized methods that are not available in Switzerland. Only candidates resident in Switzerland will be considered. The candidate must not necessarily be a member of the SSB. Support is limited to candidates who can not yet apply for an international fellowship (EMBO-Fellowship, FEBS-Fellowship, etc.). Applications have to be submitted by the Head of Department to the vice-president of the SSB.
FEMS Research Fellowships are meant to assist young European scientists in pursuing research up to 3 months in a European country different from that in which she/he lives. These grants are intended to support travel and living costs of the Fellow only.
Applicants should be working microbiologists, less than 36 years of age. They should be a member of a FEMS Society.
Le programme “Germaine de Staël” promeut la collaboration entre les chercheurs et groupes de chercheurs suisses et français par le remboursement des frais de voyage et de séjour ainsi occasionnés. Les participants suisses reçoivent environ 4500 francs par projet et par année.