ERC Advanced Grant 2024

The ERC Advanced Grant 2024 (ERC-2024-ADG) call opened 29 May 2024 with a submission deadline on 29 Aug 2024. Swiss-based researchers are eligible to apply.  

Researchers of all career stages who have a track-record of significant research achievements and are leaders in their field may apply for this 5-year grant (budget up to EUR 2.5 M). 

>> Link to the call

Information and advice (buget, Institutional Support Letter, etc.) :

Postdoctoral Fellowship & Mobility Funding Opportunities – Information Session – June 11, 2024

The EPFL Research Office, in collaboration with the UNIL Research Service, is pleased to invite you to an information session on Postdoc & Mobility Funding Opportunities.

You are affiliated to EPFL or UNIL, and you would like to know more about the funding opportunities available to you?

Then don’t miss our information session, which will be held on Tuesday, June 11, 2023, from 12:15 to 13:45

During this information session, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Discover the different funding opportunities in Switzerland, Europe and elsewhere, including program missions and eligibility criteria.
  • Familiarize yourself with the relevant institutional rules for the different scholarship programs.
  • Obtain valuable advice on the application process.
  • Participate in a question and answer session with experts from EPFL and UNIL.

Please note that registration is required, and that the session will be held in English.

Once your registration is confirmed, you will receive additional information about the event.

If you have additional questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact the EPFL Research Office at

The EPFL Research Office and the UNIL Research Service are looking forward to welcoming you at this information session.

Do not miss this opportunity to discover funding opportunities that could help you advance in your research career !

Postdoctoral fellows positions open in the University Hospital of Aix-Marseilles (FR)

two-year post-doctoral position: Preclinical R&D of molecular imaging and theranostic agents for dysangiogenic diseases.

  • Application Deadline: October 8th (Late applications may be considered if the position remains unfilled.)
  • Activity Leader: Professor Philippe Garrigue.
    Affiliation: PU-PH Radiopharmacy, University Hospitals of Marseille, Department of Medicines and Health Safety, Faculty of Pharmacy, Aix-Marseille University.
    Research Centers: Center for Cardiovascular and Nutrition Research (C2VN, UMR AMU INSERM 1263 INRAE 1260), European Center for Medical Imaging Research (CERIMED, UAR AMU CNRS 2012

InnoPACTT: a financial support to create your start-up – AUTUMN CALL, Deadline Oct. 2, 2023

You are a UNIL-CHUV researcher who would like to create a start-up and need a
financial support to start?

Apply for a one-year InnoTREK grant to launch your UNIL-CHUV spin-off !

PACTT, the Technology Transfer Office of UNIL-CHUV, is calling for start-up projects in order to award the InnoTREK grant. As part of the InnoPACTT financial support, the InnoTREK grant is designed to accelerate innovation and UNIL-CHUV spin-off creation, and to encourage researchers with innovative ideas to jump into the entrepreneurship adventure.

Deadline for submission: October 2, 2023
For conditions, registration form and information:

For conditions, registration form and information:

Tel: 021 314 39 84
021 314 82 19
079 556 20 60

information session on Postdoc & Mobility Funding Opportunities, June 20, 2023 at 12:15pm, room CM1 EPFL

The EPFL Research Office, in collaboration with the UNIL Research Service, is pleased to invite you to an information session on Postdoc & Mobility Funding Opportunities.

You are affiliated to EPFL or UNIL, and you would like to know more about the funding opportunities available to you?

Then don’t miss our information session, which will be held on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, from 12:15 to 13:45

During this information session, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Discover the different funding opportunities in Switzerland, Europe and elsewhere, including program missions and eligibility criteria.
  • Familiarize yourself with the relevant institutional rules for the different scholarship programs.
  • Obtain valuable advice on the application process.
  • Participate in a question and answer session with experts from EPFL and UNIL.

Please note that registration is required, and that the session will be held in English.

Once your registration is confirmed, you will receive additional information about the event.

If you have additional questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact the EPFL Research Office at

The EPFL Research Office and the UNIL Research Service are looking forward to welcoming you at this information session.

Do not miss this opportunity to discover funding opportunities that could help you advance in your research career !

FREG sponsorship for PhD students

PhD students at the CIG can apply to the FREG funds (Fund for Research and Education in Genetics) which sponsors their participation to either an international conference or course once during their thesis. (up to CHF 2’500,-).

To apply, email Nathalie Clerc and CC your PI, specifying the name of the course/meeting, its date and location.

After the meeting/course the grantee will need to write a short report in the form of a letter to the FREG Committee describing the benefits for him/her attending the meeting/course (a template will be provided).