On this page you find information necessary to submit an Expression of Interest in response to IMIs 3rd Call 2010.
Based on the recommendations of the IMI Research Agenda, the IMI Governing Board has approved the IMI Annual Implementation Plan 2010, including the Scientific Priorities for 2010.
These priorities have been incorporated into the IMI 3rd Call Topics (see information package below).
Applicants intending to submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) in response to the IMI 3rd Call should read the Guide for Applicants, the Call Topics, the Rules for Participation, the Rules for Submission, Evaluation and Selection of EoIs and FPPs, the IMI IPR rules and the IMI JU model Grant Agreement.
Call Identifier: IMI-JU-2010
Publication Date: 22 October 2010
Budget: A maximum financial contribution from the European Community to the IMI JU for the support of research activities of € 114 million, matched by the in-kind contribution by the research based companies that are members of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA)
Indicative budget for the applicant consortium: € 5-20 million.