Concerns: PhD students and Postdocs
Dear all,
We wish to invite you to a meeting to inform you about the teaching responsibilities of PhD students and postdocs at UNIL (e.g. travaux pratiques/practicals, exercises) on:
Monday March 5 at 12:15 pm in Auditorium B (Génopode).
You will get information about this opportunity to teach to students and about what is expected from you throughout your stay at the CIG.
As this introduction is required of all PhD students and postdocs, please inform if you cannot make it and another meeting will be organized later for you.
Looking forward to meeting you on this occasion.
Best regards
Winship Herr
********************************Winship HERR
Director, School of Biology
Faculty of Biology and Medicine
University of Lausanne
Center for Integrative Genomics (CIG)
Génopode Building
CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)
Tel. +41 (0)21 692.39.22
FAX +41 (0)21 692.39.25
Director, School of Biology
Faculty of Biology and Medicine
University of Lausanne
Center for Integrative Genomics (CIG)
Génopode Building
CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)
Tel. +41 (0)21 692.39.22
FAX +41 (0)21 692.39.25