Postdoctoral Research Fellow
(3 Year fixed term)
From £31,686 – £37,040 pa
London, UK
A 3 year postdoctoral position is available at the MRC Clinical Sciences Centre and Imperial College London to work in the Evolution of Molecular Systems group headed by Dr Tobias Warnecke. The group focuses on the evolutionary analysis of genome-scale biological sequence data to understand how various aspects of cellular biology affect evolutionary processes (for further information please visit
or contact Dr Warnecke for an informal discussion about the post).
We are looking for an enthusiastic, creative postdoctoral scientist, preferably with a background in functional or evolutionary computational genomics and experience in analyzing genome-wide data, particularly of the kind generated by next generation sequencing experiments (e.g. ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq). The candidate should have a strong publication record in the field, excellent verbal and written communication skills, and a track record of addressing scientific problems in a innovative, thorough and efficient manner. The candidate should be proficient in at least one programming/scripting language (perl, python, etc.) and familiar with applying multivariate statistical analysis to complex data sets (ideally in the framework of the R programming language). A keen interest in evolutionary problems is highly desirable.
The project focuses on understanding the evolution of cryptic processing sites (splice sites, polyadenylation sites, etc.) in a variety of model genomes through integrating evolutionary and protein-RNA/DNA interaction data. In addition to the main project, the candidate will be able to develop and carry out his/her own line of research within the group’s areas of interest and expertise. Strong candidates will enjoy a large degree of independence in determining the direction of their own research. We are not tied to a particular model system and candidates from both eukaryotic and prokaryotic backgrounds are equally encouraged to apply.
The Clinical Sciences Centre is an Institute funded by the MRC and is a Division of the Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College. Based on the Hammersmith Hospital Campus in West London (W12), the CSC has first class facilities and provides investigators from clinical and basic science backgrounds with the opportunity to pursue innovative, multidisciplinary research within the established clinical base of Imperial College. For more information, visit
This post is a Career Development Fellowship to support post-doctoral scientists in early or changed career training and help establish them as successful research scientists in their chosen field. The Clinical Sciences Centre (CSC) is an institute funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) and is a division of the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College London, a thriving research environment with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, including micro MRI and PET imaging.
Applications are handled by the UK Shared Business Services; to apply please visit our job board at to submit a cover letter and CV. Applicants who would like to receive this advert in an alternative format (e.g. large print, Braille, audio or hard copy), or who are unable to apply online should contact us by telephone on 01793 867003, Please quote reference number IRC113153.
Closing date for all completed applications is 25th October 2013.
Don’t forget to mention Naturejobs when applying.