Seminars of candidates for SNSF Eccellenza assistant professor with fellowship, 22-23.10.2020

To access the webminars:

Thursday Oct. 22

9h00: Nicolas Battich,  Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht (NL)
“The lifecycle of mRNAs at the single-cell level”
10h00: interview with PIs only (all other participants are requested to leave the meeting)

15h00: Lena van Giesen, Harvard University, Cambridge (USA)
“Molecular basis of chemo tactile sensation in Octopus”
16h00: interview with PIs only (all other participants are requested to leave the meeting)

17h00: Samira Asgari, Harvard Medical School, Harvard (USA)
“Leveraging population differences to learn about the genetic basis of complex traits”
18h00: interview with PIs only (all other participants are requested to leave the meeting)

Friday Oct. 23

15h00: Laurence Lemaire, Lewis Sigler institute for integrative genomics, Pinceton University (USA)
“From single cell transcriptome lineages to a gene regulatory brain map: Identification of the proto-hypothalamic territory”
16h00: interview with PIs only (all other participants are requested to leave the meeting)

17h00: Alessandro De Simone, Duke University Medical Center, Durham (USA)
“Listening to the scale-beat: signalling waves and tissue morphogenesis in zebrafish regeneration.”
18h00: interview with PIs only (all other participants are requested to leave the meeting)