2013 Marie Curie Fellowships: deadline August 14

Marie Curie Fellowships & Grant: IEF, IOF, IIF & CIG
Action Description Call opens Deadline Docs
Intra-European Fellowship
IEF aims at helping experienced researchers to get new skills. Mobility rule applies: from a MS/AC to another MS/AC.
Overall budget: € 120 mio
14.03.2013 14.08.2013 Infosheet

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International Outgoing Fellowship
IOF aims to reinforce the international dimension in the career of European researchers willing to acquire new skills in a top research institution based in a third country. Mobility rule applies: 2 years in a third country + 1 year in an MS/AC.
Overall budget: € 40 mio.
14.03.2013 14.08.2013 Infosheet

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International Incoming Fellowships
IIF aims to attract top-class researchers currently active in a third country and make them undertake research in Europe. Mobility rule applies: 1-2 year in an MS/AC.
Overall budget: € 40 mio.
14.03.2013 14.08.2013 Infosheet

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