BIG seminars 2020-2021
Every first Monday of the month
16h15, Auditorium Biophore Building
UniL-Sorge at Dorigny
Free entrance
Some of these events may happen online and some on site. Please look at our website in due time to get the useful information.
BIG is an interdepartmental seminar series, and is organized by Christophe Dessimoz, Ted Farmer, Yolanda Schaerli and Tanja Schwander
5 October 2020 Charles Pence, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium ONLINE
“Big data, natural history, and breadth in biological explanations“
“A Living Cellular Automaton: When Charles Darwin meets John von Neumann & Alan Turing“
“The phloem: Nature’s battleground for photoassimilates“
18 January 2021 Liz Sockett, University of Nottingham, UK ONLINE
“Predatory bacteria, teaching humans new tricks about attacking pathogens”
22 March 2021 Yoshi Tomoyasu, Miami University, USA ONLINE
“Exploring the evolutionary origin of insect wings from an evo-devo perspective“
12 April 2021 Molly Przeworski, Columbia University, USA ONLINE
“Causes and consequences of recombination hotspot evolution in vertebrates“
3 May 2021 Emma Hodcroft, University of Bern, CH ONLINE
“Practical phylogenetics for public health: realising research in real-time“
7 June 2021 Randall Platt, ETH Zurich ONLINE
“Harnessing the CRISPR toolbox to engineer biology“