CIG Seminars Spring 2015
Monday 12:15, Génopode, auditorium B, followed by sandwiches
Monday January 26, 2015
Ana Pombo, Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin, Berlin, Germany
«Hierarchical organisation of chromosome folding during mammalian cell differentiation»
Host: Andrzej Stasiak
Monday February 16, 2015
Yvan Arsenijevic, Hôpital Jules-Gonin, Lausanne, Switzerland
«Regenerative medicine in ophthalmology: a light in the dark… is it enough?»
Host: Alexandre Reymond
Monday February 23, 2015
Philip M. Kim, University of Toronto, Canada
«Combining computation and experiment to develop new drug leads and high-affinity inhibitors»
Host: David Gatfield
Monday March 9, 2015
Barak Cohen, Washington University Medical School, USA
«Towards an understanding of the cis-regulatory code»
Host: Alexandre Reymond
Monday March 23, 2015
Eric Miska, University of Cambridge, UK
«RNA: self vs non-self»
Host: Henrik Kaessmann
Monday March 30, 2015
Michalis Averof, ENS de Lyon, France
«Generating and regenerating the body: old questions, new models»
Host: Richard Benton
Monday April 27, 2015
Mirko Trajkovski, University of Geneva, Switzerland
«Bugs, drugs and miRNAs: energy balance from fat and gut»
Host: Nouria Hernandez
Monday May 11, 2015
Frédéric Schütz, University of Lausanne & Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Lausanne, Switzerland
«Wikipedia: a behind-the-scenes tour for life scientists»
Hosts: PhD students and Postdocs
Monday June 8, 2015
Maria Elena Torres-Padilla, IGBMC, Illkirch, France
«Epigenetic mechanisms in early mammalian development»
Host: Vincent Dion
Friday June 26, 2015
Amita Sehgal, University of Pennsylvania, USA
«Mysteries of sleep: can we get at these with simple animal models?»
Host: Paul Franken
Monday June 29, 2015
Assam El-Osta, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, Australia
«Regulation of gene expression subject to epigenetic change in human health and disease»
Hosts: PhD students and Postdocs