ERC Advanced Grant Call!
New call for proposals for established top researchers.
Category: ERC
By: Katja Wirth
The ERC published today the 2012 ERC Advanced Grant Call.
The call deadlines are as follows:
- 16 February 2012 for Physical Sciences and Engeneering (PE)
- 14 March 2012 for Life Sciences (LS)
- 11 April 2012 for Social Sciences and Humanities (SH)
ERC Advanced Grants allow exceptional established research leaders of any nationality and any age to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk projects that open new directions in their respective research fields or other domains.
For more information on the call see the ERC Website and the Participant Portal or contact your National Contact Person Katja Wirth. The Guide for Applicants will be available soon on the Euresearch ERC site.