Post-doctoral positions
Two 3-year post-doctoral positions funded by the ANR (the French National Research Agency) are
available in the context of a collaborative research project between the group of Jean-Philippe Pin at the
“Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle” (IGF) and the group of Catherine Royer at the “Centre de Biochimie
Structurale” (CBS) both located on the Arnaud de Villeneuve Medical Sciences campus in Montpellier,
(southern France). Both the IGF and the CBS are interdisciplinary institutes that offer a state of the art research
environments and promote interactions between scientists from different areas ( ; The team of Jean-Philippe Pin is interested in the function of G protein-coupled
receptor (GPCR) complexes, while the Royer group is interested in protein interaction networks in live cells and
their quantification using advanced optical microscopy.
The project aims to study the functional roles of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) complexes in their
native environment. The major objective of the project is to characterize the GABAB receptor complexes in
neurons and to determine their stoichiometry and dynamics in the different neuronal sub-compartments. We
aim at characterizing the modulatory mechanisms of complex formation and at determining their functional
significance. We will use advanced fluorescence techniques on live cells and cell biology, molecular biology and
pharmacology approaches.
The team of Jean-Philippe Pin has gained an international reputation for its work on class C GPCRs
(mostly mGlu and GABAB receptors), bringing key information on their activation mechanism and regulation
( The group of Catherine Royer (Montpellier, France
( specializes in advanced fluorescence methods for quantitative characterization of
protein interactions. The project also involves collaboration with Cisbio bioassays (Marcoule, France), a leading
private sector partner in developing fluorescent solutions for studying GPCRs.
One position is available in each group:
At the IGF, the post-doctoral fellow will be in charge of the cell biology part of the program,
and more specifically of the analysis in neuronal cultures. Starting date: early 2013, co-supervision: Julie
Kniazeff and Jean-Philippe Pin
At the CBS, the post-doctoral fellow will be in charge of the development of advanced
biophysical techniques (microscopy) and analysis of the date. Starting date: mid-2013, supervision: Catherine
We are seeking two highly motivated candidates with experience in biophysics (spectroscopy or
microscopy), molecular and cellular biology and/or pharmacology to join our teams to pursue challenging
research and interacting with collaborators from different fields. Please send a CV and contact information for
references to:
Julie Kniazeff, PhD
Jean-Philippe Pin, PhD
Catherine Royer, PhD