Dear postdocs and advanced researchers,
We are very pleased to announce the special session “PIs of tomorrow” that will be held next year at the upcoming Life Sciences Switzerland (LS2) Annual Meeting (February 12-13 2018, University of Lausanne). This session offers an opportunity to postdocs and senior researchers interested in pursuing an academic career to present a talk similar in format to a professorship application interview. A knowledgeable jury panel of professors will evaluate the presentations and provide feedback in a one-on-one session afterward.
Please refer to the attached instructions to enter the competition.
Applications must be received by November 1st, 2017.
If you are selected, your travel and accommodation fees will be paid by the LS2 organization.
Please feel free to spread the word to other potential candidates!
We are looking forward to your application and hope to welcome you in Lausanne!
Best wishes,
On behalf of the LS2 organizing committee,
Nino Nikolovski, Aleksandra Konovalova and Elisa Araldi
Carolin von Schoultz
Scientific Officer LS2
Tag Archives: careers for biologists
May 9, 2015: Life Science Career Day 2015
Mon May 10, 2010 Career Sem. D.Barron GEN
Career seminars
Denis Barron is researcher at the Nestlé Research Center in Lausanne
12:15, GEN Auditorium B
Mon Apr 12, 2010 Career Sem. M.Greutert GEN
Career seminars
Maude Greutert has studied biology at the University of Lausanne, where she also obtained her Master in Medical Biology in 2007. She took a clinical research associate course in Paris in 2007 and since November 2007 works as life sciences consultant at Alcimed Sàrl in Lausanne.
12:15, GEN Auditorium B
“careers for biologists” links on the main journals website
Science career, a resource from Science, (US centered)
Nature Jobs, a resource from Nature
Bourses politique et science
Fondation Bourses politique et science
Les bourses politique et science permettent à de jeunes scientifiques de découvrir de l’intérieur les processus
politiques. Les boursiers travaillent pendant une année au Palais fédéral, à Berne et sont rattachés aux Services
du Parlement. Ils assistent les commissions parlementaires en préparant à leur intention des documents de travail
avec l’équipe du secrétariat d’une commission. Ils participent aux séances des commissions et entretiennent des
relations avec des membres de l’administration et des experts scientifiques. En se familiarisant avec la politique
suisse et ses méthodes de travail et en nouant des contacts à la croisée des milieux politique, administratif et
scientifique, les boursiers se constituent un réseau de relations qui leur servira lors de médiations entre ces différentes cultures et dans leur activité professionnelle future.